Thursday, March 31, 2016

Looking Towards the Future

I know I know, I haven't even filmed yet (two days!!!) but with the project due date QUICKLY. approaching I can't help but start thinking of my creative critical reflection. Obviously a lot of this reflection will be based on the actual outcome of my film, concerning technical choices and the actual production process, but a lot of the reflection will also be based off of the development of my project, story and character development, etc.

Time is precious. And although I will have a week to complete my reflection, if everything goes as planned, I didn't want to waste any time given to me so I decided to get ahead. I've started drafting some of the answers to the suggested questions by Cambridge for the creative and critical reflection and have begun planning what I want to say and talk about. I plan on doing my reflection through a director commentary so based off of the visuals that I will use as I am speaking, the current script I am drafting is obviously very very subject to change, but it's a start in flow of ideas and a little planning never killed anyone.

Im excited for the creative and critical reflection, I love that it gives me a chance to explain myself and justify my ideas and choices. I can't wait for all my readers and graders to get a clear look inside my head.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I'm quite surprised at how similar our projects appear in terms of plot and progression. After seeing your comment on my blog, I'll admit, you're a bit ahead of me and I admire a couple elements of your blog. Your posts are very elaborate and you appear to have a healthy balance of personal input and research. I think you're good on time as long as you stick with your plan while making sure you capture the entire process on your posts. Since your script is subject to change, this allows flexibility to adapt to any changes which I think will aid the filming process, even with the deadline approaching closely. I look forward to seeing more progress as your project comes together!
