Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Distribution, poster, website, and more!

Hello!!! I feel like I've been away from my blog for so long because I've been hard at work finishing my project, but good news, it's all finally done! The only thing left for me to do is the CCR which I will start working on tonight and finish tomorrow. Before I dive in and show you all my final products, I first wanna update you all on the work I've been doing over the last few days. This mostly involved working on the poster and website.

Obviously one of the big things for any TV show or movie is how it will be distributed. For my project, since I didn't actually have to distribute anything, I was at liberty to make up and choose any distribution process I felt appropriate, as long as it was realistic. For my documentary series, as I officially decided to brand it as, I chose a direction many projects are now taking in that it would be totally distributed online. I chose this for a couple reasons. Mainly because since this is the direction we are moving in it is more easily accessible to all, and more my main target audience, teens to young adults, they are most responsive to this. Specifying where I will distribute it online, I have decided that my documentary series will be an original series picked up by and distributed mainly by Netflix, in addition to being available on iTunes for those who are not Netflix users. So why these two platforms? iTunes, because it is something most people can access and in all the other documentaries I used as case study research, their content was available on iTunes. Also, I did some research, and for the majority, most Netflix shows are available on iTunes. As far as why I chose Netflix, I did this because streaming services are now becoming huge competitors and even beating mainstream television and out of all the streaming services out there, consumer reports show Netflix remains the most popular. The great thing about Netflix also is that is comes basically built with an audience. Also, Netflix already has a great deal of movies, shows, and documentaries about theater and other art forms (cough cough, First Position) so my documentary series would fit right in.

This choice of distribution affected not only some aspects of my website, but also my poster. Netflix originals have some specific things all in common with their posters so I made sure to check this out so I could make sure to follow conventions and have it in my poster.

The main thing is that they all have the Netflix logo somewhere at thee top, most with "A Netflix..." and the date the episodes will be available at the bottom. Though there are variations, as you can see, with most posters I found, the Netflix logo was at the top in the center and the availability date was in the bottom right corner, so I incorporated these elements into my poster. 

In regards to my website, I pretty much did all I said I would with the exception of adding a playlist. For one, the program I used wouldn't let me upload music in the fashion I wanted to and also I thought it wouldn't really make sense to add song that were about the topic, but I wasn't actually able to use on the show. I thought about adding the professional versions of songs the troupe had performed but that also seemed redundant since I already have a performance page. Other explanations for more specific choices can be found in my CCR, but for now I just want to discuss the social media platforms I created and linked to the page. I decided to make a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Like I said, my main target audience is teens and young adults, but since art appreciation is a subject many older adults can relate to, I'm also hoping to target a few of them and so the Facebook is really for them but it also targets the younger audiences, according to Forbes, 41% of millennials use Facebook everyday. The Twitter and Instagram, however, are for the younger group since these are among the top social media platforms for Generation Z and Millennials. I could have included Snapchat since it is rising into the top three social media platforms used by Millennials and Gen Z, but the truth is most older audiences don't utilize this platform so I didn't want to exclude them completely; plus, with the other three accounts I think it would be enough. Although I wasn't able to create a YouTube page which is something I wanted to do, I was able to embed performance videos in the website itself. 

Lastly, just to get this out of the way, I want to site where I got the music for my documentary excerpt. In total, I used 4 sounds: the sound of an orchestra tuning its instruments, a camera flash charging sound effect, a camera flash sound effect, and a song. Both sound effects were from a YouTube account called "Jojikiba" which provides Royalty Free sounds.
The sound of the orchestra was from a YouTube account known as "Urb Mak" and he had previously assured another use that this sound was in the public domain, i.e., anyone could use it.
Lastly, the song I used was a Royalty Free song that was included in Filmora, the software I used to edit, which was called Little Maps by Eddie.

That's all for now, next time I post it will be the final reveal of everything I've been working so hard on. I hope you will all enjoy it!


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